Thursday, December 2, 2010

How Much Does A Root Canal Cost Without Dental Insurance

Once a dentist determines that a root canal is needed and the patient does not carry insurance, one might wonder: How much does a root canal cost without dental insurance?

Why a Root Canal

A root canal is needed when the root inside a tooth becomes infected.

The Procedure

The area to be worked on is numbed, and the damage or inflamed tissue is removed. Through drilling, the area where the tissue is removed is cleaned with files and suction and then filled in to keep out bacteria. The tooth is sealed either right away or at a later appointment, depending on whether the infection needs to clear before it can be sealed.


Root canal prices vary according to the dentist's experience, the difficulty of the canal, and the location of the patient. However, root canals can cost from $350 to $600 for a front tooth and from $500 to $860 for a molar. Back teeth are more expensive because they contain at least three canals. Front tooth have one canal.

Other Costs

A crown or protective covering for the tooth will add to the cost of the procedure.

Reduced Rates

Dental schools, in which a student is supervised, have discounts for dental procedures. The cost of the root canal might also be partially paid for through a dental organization in a particular state for a patient who is poor. This list of organizations can be found through the American Dental Association (see Resources).

Tags: root canal, canal needed, Root Canal, root canal needed, tissue removed