Monday, February 15, 2010

What Home Products Whiten Teeth

We all want white teeth and some of us have paid a high price to get them that way. But keeping our teeth white doesn't have to land us in a dentist chair not does it have to be expensive. There are things that are already around our houses that will help us not only get our teeth clean and sparkling white, but prevent them from ever getting discolored again. It's all about the maintenance, and what you will actually spend may surprise you.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is no doubt the universal cleaner. Not only does it clean grease and hard water stains off solid surfaces, it also cleans and whitens your teeth. In fact there are many toothpastes that have baking soda added to their ingredients. However, buying toothpaste with baking soda isn't necessary. Just add a little baking soda (from the little orange box that costs around a $1) to your toothbrush and clean your teeth, brushing as normal.


Peroxide naturally freshens anything it touches, and it also kills germs. A lot of the color that shows up on our teeth is due to the bacteria and germs that live there, along with natural coloration from the foods we eat and drink. Rinsing with peroxide after brushing will help freshen and clean away anything that is there that shouldn't be after meal time is over. It will also whiten the teeth as it cleans and freshens.

Lemon and Lime

Foods that are high in citric acid also help to whiten and clean teeth. Just as it is a good idea to put orange, grapefruit, lemon, and lime rinds down the garbage disposal to freshen and clean it, it is also a good idea to eat these foods to help with the same thing, only in your mouth. If at all possible, suck on a lemon or lime (oranges and grapefruits are easier to eat), digging your teeth into the fruit to make sure that the teeth are totally covered by the citric acid. The citric acid will naturally whiten your teeth and give you fresh breath. It is important to note that if you have sores in your mouth, then this method will not be the best way to go for you.


Celery is stringy, has very little color to it, and is made up of mostly water, and works well as a natural teeth cleaner. Eating celery will pick up plaque that has lodged itself onto your teeth. It also helps clean out the grooves between the teeth, keeping them free of food and germs.

White Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar

White vinegar and apple cider vinegar will also freshen and whiten teeth. Though it would be best to gargle with it, it would most likely be easier to soak the bristles of the toothbrush in it and then brush it onto your teeth. The vinegar will get rid of anything that is not naturally supposed to be there.

Tags: your teeth, baking soda, citric acid, anything that, freshen clean, good idea, onto your